Michèle Richard at Expo 67

Michèle told me that the French pavilion had set out an exquisite buffet for her and her entourage upon her visit to the Expo site in the month of June, 1967. Michèle also told me that she had fallen under the charm of the exotic pavilion of Algeria. The Algerians had given her the gift of a beautiful hand-made bracelet. It is a bracelet that Michèle treasures to this day...
At this same party, I had obtained an original 1967 newspaper document detailing Michèle Richard's visit to Expo, including many photographs, the best of which can be seen here.
While on the subject of Michèle Richard and Expo 67, check out this ultra-rare video of her rendition of Un jour un jour, the french version of the Expo 67 theme:
image source: personal collection
Labels: flickr sets, I ♥ Michele Richard
hola que tal ,me encontre con tu blog ecxelente me ha encantado hay mucho contenido grafico y visual de gran calidad .. y no creas que por escriirte en español no sepa de ingle slo leo muy bien peor lo escribo pesimo y tambien lo hablo muy mal... pero lo leo perfecto jejeje..
Saludos desde Chile
Salut Jason
Comme j ai aimer voir ce video pour voir une Michele Riohard modele de jeune fille chanter cette belle chanson de Expo67 Merci encore Richard
I really like that black & white picture, so natural, in the wind... cool addition to your collection!
And getting her impressions on Expo, that was really cool!
Je suis très fier d'avoir trouvé des documents reliant Michèle Richard et l'Expo 67 (ainsi qu'avoir parlé a Michèle, elle même, sur le sujet...)
Wonderful site. I was at the Expo 67 worlds fair and have very fond memories of our time there. Although I was only 6 years old it really stands out in my memory. I remember the national pride we felt and this was the same year our family moved from Hamilton Ontario to Burlington Ontario. A big step up for us at the time. I revisited the Expo site in 1988 after many years thinking that it was long since taken down. I was so heart broken at the time. My wife and I walked around the rubble and went through the French pavillion, then a museum, we even climbed up to the upper platform of the U.S. pavillion. The only way to explain how I felt at the time was to say it was like the finale of the first Planet of the Apes movie when he realized he was in fact back on earth. Shocked and pissed off that this could have happened to a once wonderful world. I have revisited the site on occasion since and even have pictures of my phsycadelic 1967 VW there during my visit last year. I will try to forward them to you if you wish. I thank you for your site it is excellent and I commend you on your research. I thought that I was the only Expo 67 nut out there.
Did anyone, other than me, remember seeing a volkswagen bug that had been dipped painted in a pool and on display at Expo 67?
If so, email me at swaddock@gmail.com
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