expo 67 lounge

Mid-century fashion, vintage pop culture and retro cool... from Expo 67 and beyond.

12 December 2013

Michèle Richard, Expo Hostess

Michèle Richard, Expo Hostess
Another rare shot of my beloved Michèle Richard, dressed in the official Expo 67 hostess uniform, designed by Québecois couturier, Michel Robichaud...

image:  personal collection

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11 December 2013

The Ethiopian Pavilion

The Ethiopian Pavilion (Expo 67)
The Ethiopian pavilion at Expo 67 was a striking 90-foot, tent-like structure, located on Île Notre-Dame near the pavilion of Morocco. The pavilion shone during the day and glowed softly at night, its shape recalling ceremonial umbrellas of the priests of the ancient Ethiopian city of Axum.  A golden lion (the symbol of Ethiopia) topped the scarlet tent, while 12 lion heads anchored its points. Soaring white towers reminiscent of those that marked ancient tomb palaces flanked the entrance.

The Ethiopian Pavilion (Expo 67)
Upon entering, visitors were led directly to the second level 'Lion Coffee Shop', where hostesses served famed Ethiopian coffee and other specialties. The interior roofing of the pavilion was covered with paintings on canvas that illustrated the history and legends of Ethiopia.

The coffee shop looked down on the main exhibit area, which included a replica of the Church of St. George at Lalibella; its interior contained ancient crowns, jewels, manuscripts, and other treasures.

Another area showed ancient Ethiopian artifacts and tools, some as old as 500,000 years. Other exhibits included modern examples of filigree gold and silver work, seen on military and religious capes, swords, and shields. Animals and birds native to Ethiopia were displayed. Slides showed scenes of Ethiopia.

A 26-minute film entitled 'Man in Ethiopia' was shown continuously in the 'Queen of Sheba' theatre.

The Ethiopian Pavilion (Expo 67)
The Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, presented the city of Montreal with 2 lion cubs, named 'David' and 'Bess'. They took up residence in a cage near the pavilion on May 18, 1967, and were very popular with Expo visitors...

The Ethiopian Pavilion (Expo 67)

The Ethiopian Pavilion (Expo 67)

images: (1) Bill Dutfield
(2) unknown source
(3) expo67.ncf.ca
(4) worldsfaircommunity.org
(5) alamedainfo.com



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