expo 67 lounge

Mid-century fashion, vintage pop culture and retro cool... from Expo 67 and beyond.

15 March 2017


Introduced in 1965, Dippity-do hair gel was initially marketed towards women, as a setting lotion for rollers. In the days before hand-held hair dryers, setting hair on curlers was commonplace. Well into the 1970's, women relied on time-consuming roller-sets for their 'dos...

A classic flip with setting diagram, late 1960's.

Regular Dippity-do was translucent pink, while "extra-hold" was green.

The regular label read:

"After shampooing – apply to damp hair – comb through, set. Or apply to each strand as you roll. Between shampoo styling – apply each stand of dry hair as you roll; or use to smooth wild hairs, flatten bangs, etc. The Gillette Company, Personal Care Division, Chicago, Ill 60654 Made in U.S.A."

The extra-hold label read:

"This fresh, cool gel makes winding faster, easier. Hair feels clean… has body. Sets last longer. After shampooing – apply to damp hair – comb through, then set. Or – apply to each strand as you roll. Remember – a little Dippity-do gives you a lot of hold. Between shampoos – apply directly to dry hair, strand by strand as you roll. For Styling – use a tiny bit on fingertips to smooth “wild” hairs, flatten bangs, hold flip-ups, etc. The Gillette Company, Toni Division, Chicago, Ill 60654 Made in the U.S.A."

A German print ad for Dippity-do, 1960's.

It was only later on that gel gained popularity with men, reaching its apogée in the 1980's.  To this day, the words "hair gel" conjure up, for many, images of spiky, wet-look hairstyles.

Below, a 1968 commercial for Dippity-do.  Warning: the jingle will stay stuck in your head all day!

images: (1) photo by Jens Mortensen, via realsimple.com
(2) jenbutneverjenn.com
(3) thecarnabetianarmy.tumblr.com

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Anonymous Irene said...

OMG! I remember this. The good old days !!

9:00 am  
Blogger Duncan said...

Thought of this post. Sooo dippity-do.
Time: 0:39

9:43 am  
Anonymous Womenfashion said...


fashion tips

4:38 am  

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