expo 67 lounge

Mid-century fashion, vintage pop culture and retro cool... from Expo 67 and beyond.

22 March 2009

Fashion at Expo 67

From Expo Inside Out, a look at fashion at Expo 67:

"Some of the most contemporary styles are those worn by visitors to the site, but for more formal fashion presentations, go inside a number of pavilions. One of the most interesting takes place in the USSR pavilion several times a day. The Russians are trying to break into the international fashion world market, and their hem-lines, faltering nervously above the knee, reflect a concession to decadent mini-skirts and western tastes.

Russian fashion exhibited at Expo 67, designed by Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

"The French put on a magnificent display of magnificent clothes from Balenciaga, Balmain, Chanel, Dior, Givenchy, St. Laurent - the list is endless. The ground floor is devoted to the City of Paris and its current modes; upstairs, selections from the fall collections of the greats are shown with typical Expo film flare. Some of the most spectacular jewelry in the world are shown here, too, at times manages to eclipse the fashions.

"You can see a fur fashion show and eat at the same time in the Scandanavian pavilion restaurant. A collection of native furs is modelled twice daily, at lunch and dinner-time, by assorted Canadian and Scandanavian beauties.

"Pucci, a favorite of Jacqueline Kennedy and the jet set in general (they're the only ones who can afford him), and the Fontana Sisters are featured in Italian fashion presentations. The Sisters also did the hostesses' bright red, swinging uniforms. They're nice to look at but the most dramatic uniform is, appropriately enough, worn by the French Pavilion hostesses who are done up in silver lamé packages.

Expo's hostesses were fashion plates in themselves.

"Fashion shows at the Canadian pavilion are held every Thursday afternoon in the outdoor theatre. Some of the clothes are appealing, but too often a nationalistic fervor to show every Canadian designer whether he's good, bad or just plain awful, prevails over good taste. Hostesses here, as in most other pavilions, are dressed in modified national costume - sedate, simple little dresses, nice but definitely unspectacular. For national dress, the African hostesses top the list.

A dress display in the Swiss pavilion.

"There are also fashion and jewelry displays at many of the other pavilions. The most important of these include Belgium, for diamonds; Czechoslovakia, for jewelry; India, for gorgeous materials; and Switzerland, with a display of exquisite watches."

images: (1) author's own

(2) z3000.livejournal.com
(3) Life magazine online archive
(4) the Bill Cotter collection

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