"Habillé pour la modernité"
Founded in 1921, the McCord Museum is a public research and teaching museum here in Montreal, dedicated to the preservation and appreciation of Canadian history.
The museum is known for its extensive historical costume and textile collection, which includes over 18,000 clothing and accessory pieces, many of which were created by some of Montreal's most legendary fashion designers. Among the plethora of antique dresses, parasols, hats, fans and footwear, the museum also counts a collection of Expo 67 hostess uniforms.
The Montréal Fashion Bureau ("Mode Montréal") sat down with Cynthia Cooper, head of collections and research, and curator of costume and textiles for the McCord Museum. Herself dressed hostess-esque, Ms. Cooper gives us a look into our beloved Expo girls, "dressed for modernity"...
Check out the video, above...!
Michel Robichaud mixed modernity and folklore for the Indians of Canada costume.

The British uniform included a fabulous union jack purse. (McCord Collection)
The brown and aqua Quebec ensemble, with space-aged hat. (McCord Collection)
images: (1-3-5) screen captures, montages by author
(2-4) mccord-museum.qc.ca, montages by author
Labels: fab fashion, happening hostesses
Yea! Thought you had given the blog up.
Don't know if this comment will post- have tried before.
Anyhoo, thanks for the site. I was 6 1/2 on our family vacation to Expo 67- so don't know if I have any actual memories of it.Have always been fascinated by the momentos found around the house though.
BTW, I 'subscribed' but didn't get pinged for this new post- just accidently found it by clicking on an old visit link.
Hi Becky - I'm definitely not giving up the blog, so stay tuned.
Regarding email subscription, Feedburner (the service I use) is a bit quirky. Check your spam folder to see if it wasn't blocked. You can try unsubscribing and resubscribing as well. If this doesn't help, you can contact Feedburner support via email to report the problem:
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Hope this helps!
Hello Jason!
Another great post... down memory lane!! I just love it!!
Thank you and keep them coming!
Thanks, Irene...! :-)
I bet no one has the uniform we wore in the Expo Treasury! It was a simple (and short!) navy blue dress that buttoned up the front, with large buttons. It had a collar, too, and big patch pockets. I don't remember what the men wore.... maybe I can find the old "class picture" of the Treasury team.
Wow, Snowparrot, I would love to see that...! Thanks for sharing! :-)
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