expo 67 lounge

Mid-century fashion, vintage pop culture and retro cool... from Expo 67 and beyond.

29 October 2007

Hostess Application Form

Ever wonder just what it took to be an official Expo 67 hostess?

Expo Lounge readers can now download and print out their very own copy of an unused Expo 67 application form, complete with original envelope!

images: author's own, from the Barbara Asgary collection

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Today in Expo 67 History: October 29


28 October 2007

Today in Expo 67 History: October 28


27 October 2007

Today in Expo 67 History: October 27


26 October 2007

Today in Expo 67 History: October 26


25 October 2007

Today in Expo 67 History: October 25


23 October 2007

Today in Expo 67 History: October 23


22 October 2007

Today in Expo 67 History: October 22


21 October 2007

Today in Expo 67 History: October 21


20 October 2007

Today in Expo 67 History: October 20


19 October 2007

Chalet Bar-B-Q

Chalet Bar-B-Q is a Montreal institution.

Located on Sherbrooke street just off of Decarie, Chalet Bar-B-Q has been serving Montreal's best barbecue chicken for the past 63 years. Regular customers know that the back door is the way to get into the restaurant, while waitresses and hostesses serve patrons with a confidence that can only come from 35 years of experience...

Arguably, Chalet Bar-B-Q are the originators of the Montreal barbecue chicken formula [quarter breast or leg, served with fries, sauce, and a toasted bun] later made popular by such chains as St-Hubert BBQ or Swiss Chalet. Chalet Bar-B-Q 's secret lies somewhere between the legendary dipping sauce and the custom built brick ovens used to cook the chicken.

Either way, since 1944, generations have been enjoying this simple gastronomic pleasure. I know for me, the Chalet Bar-B-Q experience conjurs up warm childhood memories: this place invented comfort food!

images: all flickr.com, except menu pic: midnightpoutine.ca


Today in Expo 67 History: October 19

18 October 2007

Today in Expo 67 History: October 18


17 October 2007

Today in Expo 67 History: October 17


16 October 2007

Today in Expo 67 History: October 16


15 October 2007

Today in Expo 67 History: October 15


14 October 2007

Today in Expo 67 History: October 14


13 October 2007

National Museum of Australia Exhibition

From September 13 to October 31, the National Museum of Australia is showing an exhibition on the Australian participation at Expo 67.

A fabulous online exhibit has been put up on the Museum's website, from the Australian government's extensive national archives. This really is an impressive amount of information on their groovy pavilion and its contents, their hip hostesses, as well as the Australian national day at Expo 67.

I just love the stunning photo collection, especially those of their lovely hostesses! I am also proud to say that Expo Lounge has been included in the featured links section of this online exhibit!

The online exhibition includes:

The sounds of Australia
Hostesses and attendants
Uniforms on parade
A romance to remember
Pop goes Australia
Trivia from the haven of tranquillity
Australia at Expo 67 Montreal slideshow

Special thanks to John Whelan for bringing this to my attention!

images: www.nma.gov.au


Today in Expo 67 History: October 13


12 October 2007

Today in Expo 67 History: October 12


11 October 2007

A Spring Wedding, 1960

My aunt and uncle got married on the sun-filled day of May 7, 1960. The 10am ceremony was held at the Saint Boniface German parish, corner Hôtel de Ville and Pine Avenue, while the reception was held at The Bucharest on Saint Lawrence Boulevard.

"How do I look?"...

The proud father of the bride.

My grandparents' duplex was located on Lumbsden Street (Meunier, today).

The Saint Boniface parish still exists today, and the interior has not changed.

I just love the beautiful wedding cake...

images: personal collection


Today in Expo 67 History: October 11


10 October 2007

Today in Expo 67 History: October 10


9 October 2007

Today in Expo 67 History: October 9


8 October 2007

Jacque Fresco

Born on March 13, 1916, Jacque Fresco is an industrial engineer, architectural designer and futurist based in Florida.

His formative years during the Great Depression greatly influenced his desire to create solutions that maximally benefit the greatest number of people. Fresco has worked as both designer and inventor in a wide range of fields such as biomedical innovations, integrated social systems and prefabricated housing.

Fresco is interested in the integration of science and technology into a comprehensive plan for a new society, based on human and environmental concern. His organization, The Venus Project, promotes a global vision of hope for the future of humankind.

The Venus Project website states:

"The plans for The Venus Project offer society a broader spectrum of choices based on the scientific possibilities inherent in current technology and direct that knowledge toward a new era of peace and sustainability for all cultures. Through the implementation of a resource-based economy, and a multitude of innovative and environmentally friendly technologies directly applied to the social system, The Venus Project proposals dramatically reduce crime, poverty, hunger, homelessness, and many other pressing problems that are common throughout the world today."

Sounds and looks like something straight out of Expo 67!

images: www.thevenusproject.com



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