The most notable element of the Federal Republic of Germany pavilion at Expo 67 was it's architecture.
The German pavilion was designed by Frei Otto, using a revolutionary concept in exhibition structures: the "space frame" tent. 8 giant masts, the tallest of which measured 120 feet, supported a translucent plastic covering. The advantage of this system of architecture was in it's flexibility and adaptability to various site restrictions.

Inside, the pavilion's focus was mainly on product and industrial displays, including optical and precision instruments, a German strong point. Scientific and historical displays included the world's first printing press, a German invention. The press was 500 years old, and still working on site. In Art, the pavilion focussed on the history of music.

As in most pavilions, there were restaurants which served national specialties, as well as a German beer garden.
images: (1) alamedainfo.com
(2-3-5) library and archives Canada(4) westland.net/expo67/
Labels: pavilions-a-gogo
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